Article 9224

Title of the article

Technological theory of modernization in historical-state studies and historical-legal studies 


Shakhrutdin G. Seidov, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the sub-department of state and law disciplines, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Natal'ya V. Makeeva, candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of the sub-department of theory of state and law and political science, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), makeeva–
Aleksey V. Melikov, candidate of engineering sciences, deputy director for science and practice of the Institute of Mechanics and Energy named after V.P. Goryachkina, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (49 Timiryazevskaya street, Moscow, Russia), 


Background. The theory of modernization, claimed in the 1960s in order to be-come an alternative to Marxism, in fact, in the person of Western authors, was unable to satisfactorily present a generalizing line of social development. Meanwhile, this theory it-self is needed, but requires an updated approach, which, in particular, represents an analysis of process technology. The purpose of the stu is to verify this approach and demonstrate its capabilities using the example of specific scientific subjects. Materials and methods. The article outlines the theoretical principles of the essence of modernization transformations in the sphere of state and law. It is noted that the renewal of the state mechanism leads to the politicization of society and the formation of civil society, which is also accompanied by the modernization of the legal system, while the final stage of the entire process is the emergence of the rule of law. The applicability of this theory to the phenomenon of coloni-alism, legal humanization carried out since the 19th century, and the modernization of Greece, which started at the turn of the 1870-1880s, is shown. In essence, the authors use the deduction method, demonstrating how the theoretical postulates proposed by Professor A.Yu. Salomatin can be applied to various circumstances. The comparative method is also used. Results. Turning to the phenomenon of colonialism, it is advisable to consider its ma-ture forms of the 19th – mid-20th centuries. in the context of modernization, when colonial empires do not simply continue to engage in primitive robbery of colonies, but carry out their systematic integration into their economies, which is accompanied by infrastructural development of territories and experimentation with self-government principles. Or there is every reason to connect the appearance of slogans against information imperialism to the 1970s, since then the West not only unexpectedly and inexplicably weakened, but temporarily lost its aggressiveness due to the exhaustion of the previous modernization model and the delay in the transition to postmodernization. The technological theory of modernization helps to better understand such an innovation in the legislation of the 19th century as the humanization of criminal penalties, to see in it not an accident, but a pattern. Equally, on the basis of this theory, we can analyze the pace and characteristics of renewal in different countries. For example, when comparing the modernization starts of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, it should be noted that in small, economically and socially stagnant Greece, dependent on the great powers, the starting point of transformation should be sought some-where at the turn of the 1870-1880s. – that is, much later than even in the countries of the second modernization echelon (Russia, Japan, Argentina). Conclusions. The state and legal history of Europe, and other continents, requires serious study based on the technological theory of modernization. By examining phenomena through the prism of consistent and natural transformations within the state and society, by comparing the pace and characteris-tics of modernization processes in different countries, we can better understand the dynam-ics of the development of state and law. 

Key words

theory of modernization, technological theory of modernization, modernization start, state mechanism, modernization process

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For citation:

Seidov Sh.G., Makeeva N.V., Melikov A.V. Technological theory of modernization in historical-state studies and historical-legal studies. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskiy region. Obshchestvennye nauki = University proceedings. Volga region. Social sciences. 2024;(2):109–121. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2072-3016-2024-2-9


Дата создания: 10.09.2024 12:22
Дата обновления: 23.09.2024 11:24